TRC clubhouse



Nota(s) de âmbito

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  • Constructed 1879 (architect H T Sugden). Two storey brick colonial-style pavilion frontage with tiled roof. Boat storage on ground floor. At first floor: veranda, full height first floor Great Hall lit from clerestory windows, changing room, bar, committee room, steward's accommodation. Further accommodation on second floor above committee room.
  • Garden area sold to Imperial College in 1930s as part of site for Imperial College Boat Club. Connecting bridges to ICBC boathouse constructed.
  • Indoor tank added at rear c.1905
  • Changing room extension, designed by Karl Vernon, added in 1930s.
  • Tank replaced with new pre-fabricated sheds containing new tank and gymnasium, 1962/63.
  • Women's changing room added c1995.
  • Tank and gymnasium sheds replaced by Burrough Building in 2005 (architect, Paul Davis) housing boat bay, workshop, weights room, gymnasium and offices, 2005.
  • Original building substantially altered and refurbished in 2011 (architects, Panter Hudspith). New weatherboarding, steel balcony and metal framed bay windows along riverfront and return on Rotherwood Road. Bar and committee room combined and given river views. Two new flats added at second floor level.

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TRC clubhouse

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TRC clubhouse

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