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Educated at Dulwich College; Heidelberg; Chelsea School of Art; London School of Economics; University College, Oxford. Arden Scholar of Gray’s Inn and Holker (Senior) Scholar, 1929; Law Coach, 1928–30; Bar Studentship and Certificate of Honour, for 1st place in Bar Final exam, also special prize in Examination for Barstow Scholarship, 1930.
called to Bar, 1931; Lecturer Mercantile and Shipping Law, City of London College, 1932; Practised Commercial and Common Law Bar, London and Midland Circuit; Counsel to RIBA and Building Trades Fedn, also to Trade Delegn of USSR, 1935–39; Bencher of Gray’s Inn, 1954. Served War of 1939–45, in RNVR (Special Br.): SO (Intelligence) and Naval Liaison Officer FOIC Harwich, 1940–41; personal staff of DNI, 1941–43; Mem., Post Hostilities Planning Staff, Chiefs of Staff, 1943–44; Comdr, 1943. Temp. Legal Adviser to Chm., BOAC, 1944–45. MP (Lab) for Widnes (Lancs), 1945–50; Chm., all-party Parly Cttee for Channel Tunnel, Sec., all-party Group for European Union, 1947–49; Member Executive, British Council of European Movement; Mem. Brit. Delegation, Hague Conf., 1948. KC, 1949; QC, 1952. Retired from politics, 1950. Recorder of Nottingham, 1950–61; founded Chair of Law, London Univ. (with Sir Frederick Handley Page), 1954; Chm., Internat. Space Law Cttee, 1959; retired from practice at Bar, 1961; joined S. Eastern Circuit, 1969. Former Chm., various cos in insurance, catering, property development, finance; Dir., Channel Tunnel Co. Travelled Europe (incl. USSR), Canada, USA, Africa and Far East.
As well as rowing, he played Rugby for Blackheath and boxed at Belsize Club.