Festival Regatta of the Serpentine, senior fours won by Thames RC
- GB TRCA TRC-PHO-1-00428
- Item
- 1951
Part of Records of Thames Rowing Club
10 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Festival Regatta of the Serpentine, senior fours won by Thames RC
Part of Records of Thames Rowing Club
Festival of Britain Regatta - TRC Senior Coxswainless IV (winners)
Part of Records of Thames Rowing Club
Unknown photographer
George Moody, Paul Massey and Swat
Part of Records of Thames Rowing Club
Unknown photographer
Great Britain four and the cox of the Soviet coxed pair
Part of Records of Thames Rowing Club
Olympic World Photo Pool
Great Britain rowing team, 1948 Olympics
Part of Records of Thames Rowing Club
Back row: William Woodward, Robert Collins, Bert Bushnell, Tom Christie, William Leckie, Alfred Mellows, D C H Garrod, P Bradley, Howard Bakie James, Christopher Barton, Alf Twinn, D G Jamison.Middle row: I M Lang, Tony Butcher, Mark Bodley Scott,...
Unknown photographer
TRC 'A' crew - winners of senior eights
Part of Records of Thames Rowing Club
Unknown photographer
TRC 'A' winning final from TRC 'B' and Colet BC
Part of Records of Thames Rowing Club
Unknown photographer
Part of Records of Thames Rowing Club
Part of Records of Thames Rowing Club
Winning final from Molesey by 2 lengths
Part of Records of Thames Rowing Club
Unknown photographer